Featured Upcoming Concerts (our 55th year):

December 2024 Concerts

Tickets now available – Get yours today! Remembering Jonathan Reinhold

Join the Reading Pops Orchestra as we remember Jonathan Reinhold, a long-time vocal soloist with the Pops.  His son, Jon Reinhold will present a concert of the most beloved songs that Jonathan performed with the Pops.

Sunday, March 9, 2025, 3PM at the Miller Center for the Arts!

Click here for tickets!   Visit the Miller Center for the Arts for more information.

information about the concert

Stay in Touch!

Visit us on Facebook at The Reading Pops Orchestra!

Our Thanks!

The Reading Pops Orchestra, an affiliate of the Reading Musical Foundation, thanks the RMF for their on-going financial support!

The Reading Pops Orchestra thanks the Music Performance Trust Fund as administered through Local 135-211 of the American Federation of Musicians!

Feedback Please!

Did you attend one of our Summer 2024 concerts?  If so, we would love your feedback.  Please visit our Surveys page.

Concert Archive

Do you want to learn more about the Reading Pops Orchestra?  Visit our concert archives page to see information about some of our past concerts!

Photo of Reading Pops Concert